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Here I will be discussing scripture that has either impacted or is currently troubling anyone. The Bible has answers for all of us. We just need help finding them. 


Proverbs 16:24:  "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."

Wow! This really spoke to me today. I was just talking with friend and telling them that one of the problems with not using profanity was the describing of things. (hot as _ _ _ _, you get the picture) You see, I was in the active military for a LONG time (maybe not as long as some of you), and I developed quite a skill at being able to speak without using any words that were not profane (cuss-words). It would be "bleep bleep bleep and bleep bleep bleep bleep". I look back and think that I must have offended a lot of people and painted a picture of stupidity for myself.  Well, I am glad to say that I am trying to change. I say TRYING. And with God's help I am sure that I will only get better.

Unbelievable that I should run into this today. Look at the first segment, "Pleasant words are as honeycomb". That just makes me smile inside. Think about when you give someone a compliment, what is their reaction? I bet they are smiling and feeling generally good about themselves for the better part of the day. These compliments are "sweet to the soul". We love it! They are yummy! Like candy, we just want more. The last segment, "and health to the bones". We can't live without it. Have you ever insulted someone? I know I have, and I regret this. How did it make that person feel? Not very good I am assuming. Think about the children that come from abusive homes. Not just physically, oh we hear about those all of the time. Let's think about the mentally abusive home. We are not as likely to hear about these homes until the child does something terrible.

Now look at the verse again. "sweet to the soul, and health to the bones". Try it out, the next person you run into, give them a compliment. It doesn't have to be anything special, it just has to be honest.